Identifying And Preventing Whipworm Infections In Your Dog Or Cat

Posted on: 22 March 2019

In spring, the weather warms, the grass grows, and the chance that your dog or cat will pick up dangerous parasites increases. One type of parasite that many dogs and cats pick up in spring is whipworms. These parasites can cause severe illness if left unchecked, but they are also preventable and easily treated. Here is more information about whipworms and how they affect your pet so that you can recognize their symptoms and prevent an infection. [Read More]

4 Tips For Your Puppy's First Pamper Session

Posted on: 10 December 2018

For some dogs, an appointment for primping at the groomer's is a dream come true. For others, it's a difficult time that makes them anxious and uncomfortable. While you can't force your pet to adore the groomer, there are several things you can do to make your puppy's first trip as enjoyable and calming as possible. 1. Start the grooming process at home. The most important thing you can do to make your puppy's first and future grooming visits go well is to familiarize him with common grooming practices as early as possible. [Read More]

Time For A Checkup? 4 Signs Your Dog Has A Dental Problem

Posted on: 30 October 2018

If your dog has begun acting differently, there might be a problem with its mouth, especially if it hasn't been to the dentist in a while. You might not know this, but your dog needs regular dental care as much as you do. Unfortunately, your dog can't use words to let you know when it's facing a dental problem. However, it can provide you with signs, and it usually will. Here are just four of the ways you can identify canine dental problems. [Read More]

Is Your New Cat Scratching Everything In Sight? 3 Ways To Reduce Or Even Put A Stop To The Problem

Posted on: 25 October 2018

After adopting a cat from the shelter and bringing the animal home, you may have started noticing that the cat has an issue with using its claws to scratch everything in sight, including your furniture. Most cats do enjoy scratching, but some do it more often than others. If you are not sure how to handle the issue because this is the first cat you have ever had, different options are available to help reduce the amount of scratching your cat is doing or even to put a stop to the behavior altogether. [Read More]